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4) Nutritional Product Certifiticate Program        5) Your Own 100% FREE Nutritional Products Store

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 Our Company Motto

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10

  Welcome to ... Scriptures 4us


     A Christian Home Based Business Opportunity and State-of the Art Nutritional Products.


Take up to Six (6) Months to pay with ZERO Interest.

Offer #1 - For those who join the Pre-Paid Auto Program Twelve (12) Month Program or the Twelve (12) month Pre-Paid FaceBook Advertising Program will receive two (2) extra months FREE of Charge.

Offer #2 - For those who join the Pre-Paid Auto Program six (6) Month Program or the six (6) month Pre-Paid FaceBook Advertising Program will receive one (1) extra month FREE of Charge.

To join either one of these programs go to:

Offer #3-  Purchase at least *$99.00 in Products with Free Shipping and and take at least six (6) month to pay with ZERO interest.
For for information on our products go to:

*A Savings of OVER $200.00. Purchase $198.00 and save over $400.00 and the beat goes on.

Now you know WHY we are called "The Company that GIVES Back" ... GO FOR IT!!!

Instructions on how to use PayPal Pay Later Program

INSTRUCTIONS on PayPal Pay Later Program.

You may pay the full amount by using a credit or debit card. However. If would like to use the PayPal ... Take Up to six (6) to pay Month Program ... read the instructions below.

1) Click on Add to Cart, select PayPal as your method of payment. If you select any other type of payment the PayPal Later Program WILL NOT be activated.

2) Then click Checkout and fill in all of the information and then click confirm and sign in to PayPal ONLY if you have PayPal account. Otherwise, follow the instructions on the screen.

3) The PayPal screen will pop up and at the bottom, you will see PayPal  Credit ...  DO NOT Click on Pay Now ... Scroll down to the bottom to PayPal Credit at the bottom and then click on "Apply Now" and the rest is self-explanatory.

Need Help? Feel free to call 216-417-9153 Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm Eastern Time. After hours leave a message and we WILL return your call. If you don't like talking on the phone then use our Online Chat Service from 9am to 11pm daily. Click on the Chat button below or go to

Don't have a PayPal account then subscribe today. It's 100% FREE. Go to


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Pre Pay Six (6) Months Bible Lessons Online

Scriptures4us Six (6) Month Bible Lessons Online Auto-Ship Program
Here's what you get for Joining Our Bible Lessons Online Auto Program: 

Three (3) Christian Non-Denominational Bible Lessons each month for Six (6) Months.
Join this program and we will send you a link each month so you can listen to our Monthly Bible Lessons Online 24/7

 ... Click Here to listen to a few of our lessons.

Ordering Options: To use a MasterCard, Visa, Discover Card, American Express or PayPal click ADD to Cart below.

Better Yet ... Use our PayPal "Take Six (6) months to Pay" Program. Instructions at the bottom


*Six (6) Month Bible Lessons on CD

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Twelve (12) Monthly Bible Lessons Online

Scriptures4us Twelve (12) Month Bible Lessons Online Auto-Ship Program

Here's what you get for Joining Our Bible Lessons Online Auto Program: 

Three (3) Christian Non-Denominational Bible Lessons each month for Twelve (12) Months.

Join this program and we will send you a link each month so you can listen to our Monthly Bible Lessons Online 24/7.

Ordering Options: To use a MasterCard, Visa, Discover Card, American Express or PayPal click ADD to Cart below.


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