Bible Lessons On Line Auto-Ship Program
Our Audio Bible Lessons Online Auto-Ship Program
Join this program and we will send you a link each month so you can listen to our Monthly Bible Lessons Online 24/7. Plus lessons from the two previous months = 3 Lessons each month all for ONLY $19.95.
Plus 65% Off any of our Organic Nutritional Products and an Addirtional $5.00 Off EACH producys ... WOW!
..... Is this FANTASTIC or what? Click on ADD to Cart Below to join.
Auto Bible Lessons on CD
Scriptures4us Bible Lessons on CD Auto-Ship Program
Here's what you get for Joining Our CD Auto-Ship Program:
Join this program and we will send you a Bible Lessons on CD each month and a link so you can listen to our Monthly Bible Lessons Online which you can listen and share 24/7. PLUS 65% Off any of our Organic Nutritrional Products and an Additional $5.00 Off EACH Product ... WOW!
Ordering Options:
To use a MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card or American Express Card.
Click on ADD to Cart at the bottom. PayPal not available for Auto Programs.