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You'll LOVE what we have to offer!

Potenial Income and How to Get There!

Our Company Motto

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10

Welcome to ... Scriptures 4us


     A Christian Home Based Business Opportunity and State-of-the-Art Nutritional Products Line. 


OUR SIMPLE MARKETING PLAN - ONE (1) Level that pays 90% Commission every month on all of your members that join any of our Auto Bible Lessons Online, the CD Program or 25% Commission on every member that joins the Product Certificate Program or the Advertising Program and 35% on our Leads Program.

This is HOW wealth is created. We have "everything you need to succeed" so don't hesitate to join either one of these programs! Don't allow doubt, a very small amount of money, anxiety, fear or someone else's opinion to hold you back from the GREATEST Christian Opportunity on the planet ... GO FOR IT!!!

That's it!!! -  No complicated Multi-Level Marketing Plan with many levels. Just ONE (1) Level so YOU get ALL of the income that is due to you for all of the work YOU do. Cancel Anytime.

  • How much income can I earn as a member on this program?

Answer:  It's totally up to YOU and how much effort, time and money you are willing to spend to build YOUR business. However, we will tell you this. The opportunity is here if you would like to someday to do this on a Full Time basis.

*Examples of income. However, remember. We are not a "Get Rich Scheme". So develop patience, faith and give yourself enough TIME to build your group. As the Old saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day" and neither will you group. So, take your time and watch your business and commission checks grow "Little by Little" until you get what you want ... "Never Give up is the Secret to Success" ...  is what every highly successful person says ... GO FOR IT!!!

10 members = an extra $2,152.00 to $2,500.00 in your pocket every year.

20 members = an extra $4,310.40 to $5,000 in your pocket every year.

50 members = an extra $10,776.00 to $12,000 in your pocket every year.

100 members = an extra $21,552.00 $25,000 in your pocket every year.

300 Members = an extra $64,656.00 in your pocket every year.

What about 400, 600 or more members after a few years or so from now? You do the math.

Here's How to get started in this program:

Step ONE -  Join any of our Pograms. This will qualify you as an official member and will qualify you to start receiving 90% Commission on any of your member that joins any of these programs a 25% to 90%Commission on any of your members that join these too.

This is HOW wealth is created. We have "everything you need to succeed" so don't hesitate to join either one of these programs! Don't allow doubt, a very small amount of money, anxiety, fear or someone else's opinion to hold you back from the GREATEST Christian Opportunity on the planet ... GO FOR IT!!!

Step TWO - Consider joining the Optional, but "Highly Recommended"  *Advertising and/or Leads Program. Join any of these program for 1/20 the cost of advertising on your own. Every time a new member responds to one of your ads or leads that person will be automatically added to your group with you as their sponsor and all of their information will be sent to your email address. 

All Ads are designed by the company and you don't have to do anything on your end to participate. All you need to do is to check your email so you can find our who has joined your group. 

This is the Easiest way and most Affordable way to build a successful group. Our Advertising Leads Program generates thousands of leads each month and will do more to increase your commission checks more than anything else. 
Join TODAY! Don't hesitate for one minute to join this program. It will change your Financial Future Forever and eventually you will be earning more income than you ever thought possible.

This is HOW you build your group, If you're not adding new members to you group the HOW will you earn a monthly income ... Think About It! ... 
  CANCEL anytime with NO penalty fees, additional charges or future obligation whatsoever. 

  • Click Here to view all of our Very Affordable Programs in the left column of that page  ... DON'T WAIT!!!


Not Sure or Have Questions" Feel free to call us Toll-Free at 844-246-6760. NO Sales Pitch or Pressure to join. ... That's a Promise!

Also you can email us at or use our 24 hour Chat Service by clicking on the Chat Button below.

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All Rights Reserved.



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