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7) Our Product Certificate Program


Join this Program and receive a Product Certificate worth $24.95 towards the purchase of any of our producrs at 65% OFF.

WAIT!!! ... By joining this program we will deduct an ADDITIONAL $5.00 OFF Each Product you purchase.

1 Product = $5.00 OFF total product order ...  2 Products = $10.00 OFF total product order

Etc. Etc. You get the point.

This is the Easiest Prgram to join that will qualify you to receive commissiuons from your group and will cost you ZERO Dollars per month once you redeem your Certificate ... "
Can we make it any easier for you?"

Product Certificate Auto Program


Product Certificate Auto Program

This Auto Program is the EASIEST to join and will qualify you as a member with the SAME benefits and commissions as all other members. 

Receive one (1) $24.95 Certificate per month which can be redeemed for any of Our Organic Nutritiuionl Products.

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